1. Overview

The @Import annotation is the primary mechanism to import @Bean definitions typically contained in @Configuration classes. Although it is mainly used to import configuration classes, its usage isn't limited to that. In this tutorial, we'll examine different examples to import @Bean definitions contained in @Configuration, @Component, and ImportSelector classes.

2. Sample Application

Let's start with the sample application.

We have the Counter class:

public class Counter {

    private int current = 0;

    public void count() {

Then the ImpressionService class uses Counter:

public class ImpressionService {

    private final Counter counter;

    public ImpressionService(Counter counter) {
        this.counter = counter;

    public void countImpression(){

3. Use @Import with @Configuration

We'll first look at how we can import @Configuration classes using @Import. @Configuration classes provide bean definitions through either @Bean methods or component scanning:

public class CounterConfiguration {

    public Counter counter() {
        return new Counter();

Here, we have the CounterConfiguration class. It's providing a bean definition for Counter.

When another @Configuration class imports CounterConfiguration, the Counter bean becomes available to it:

public class MainConfiguration {

    public ImpressionService impressionService(Counter counter) {
        return new ImpressionService(counter);

In this example, we have the MainConfiguration class. Note that the impressionService method declares Counter as a method parameter. This is valid because MainConfiguration imports the CounterConfiguration class where Counter is exposed as a bean.

4. Use @Import with @Component

Although we generally import @Configuration classes, it is also valid to import @Component classes using @Import. Remember that @Component classes can also provide bean definitions using the lite @Bean methods:

For this purpose, we'll change our ImpressionService class a bit:

public class ImpressionService {

    private final Counter counter;

    public ImpressionService(Counter counter) {
        this.counter = counter;


    public static Counter counter() {
        return new Counter();

In this modified version of ImpressionService, we're defining a Counter bean using the counter method. Notice that we're declaring the @Bean method as static so that Spring can create the bean without needing to initialize ImpressionService.

Then another @Configuration class can import the ImpressionService class:

public class MainConfiguration {

When MainConfiguration imports ImpressionService, it loads two bean definitions, ImpressionService and Counter.

5. Use @Import with ImportSelector

Next, we'll look at how we can use ImportSelector to control the import process in a fine-grained manner. For example, we can use ImportSelector to select one @Configuration class over another according to some criteria:

Firstly, we'll refactor a bit and add the environment information to Counter:

public class Counter {

    private final String environment;
    private int current = 0;

    public Counter(String environment) {
        this.environment = environment;

    public void count() {
        System.out.println(environment + ": " + current++);

Then we'll write two @Configuration classes for local and prod:

public class LocalCounterConfiguration {

    public Counter counter() {
        return new Counter("local");

public class ProdCounterConfiguration {

    public Counter counter() {
        return new Counter("prod");

Now that we have two configurations, we want to use LocalCounterConfiguration only on the local environment:

public class CounterImportSelector implements ImportSelector {

    public String[] selectImports(AnnotationMetadata importingClassMetadata) {
        if (isOnLocal()) {
            return new String[]{LocalCounterConfiguration.class.getName()};

        return new String[]{ProdCounterConfiguration.class.getName()};

    private boolean isOnLocal() {
        // return after environment check...

Here, the CounterImportSelector class returns either LocalConfiguration or ProdConfiguration according to the environment.

Similar to the previous examples, we'll import our ImportSelector implementation using the @Import annotation:

public class MainConfiguration {

    public ImpressionService impressionService(Counter counter) {
        return new ImpressionService(counter);

6. Meta-Annotation with @Import

Lastly, we'll examine how we can create a meta-annotation using @Import. The newly created annotation serves similar to @Import but tells more about the intention. Spring itself makes use of these meta-annotations in the format of @EnableSomething. For example, Spring provides the @EnableAsync annotation:

public @interface EnableAsync {

Similar to this annotation, we'll create a new one to import CounterConfiguration:

public @interface EnableCounter {

Here, we have the @EnableCounter annotation following the EnableSomething naming format. Note that we're meta-annotating it with @Import(CounterConfiguration.class).

Then another configuration uses it in place of @Import:

public class MainConfiguration {

7. Summary

In this tutorial, we've examined different usages of the @Import annotation. We started with importing the configuration classes. Then we showed that we can also import @Component classes and ImportSelector implementations. Lastly, we detailed how we can create a meta-annotation.

As always, the source code for all examples in this tutorial is available on Github.