1. Overview
It is important to include null checks into both generated and handwritten methods.
In this tutorial, we'll look at the Lombok @NonNull annotation which helps us in this matter.
2. Use @NonNull on Methods and Constructors
When we use the @NonNull annotation on a method, Lombok adds a null check to the beginning of the method. For constructors, the null check is added after the super() or this() call.
We'll use the EmployeeService class:
public class EmployeeService {
public void increaseSalary(@NonNull String name) {
Here, EmployeeService has the increaseSalary method. Then we're annotating the name parameter with @NonNull.
Let's see what Lombok injects into our method:
public class EmployeeService {
public void increaseSalary(String name) {
if (name == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("name is marked @NonNull but is null");
We see that Lombok puts a null check at the beginning of the method. If the check fails, it throws a NullPointerException with the message saying "name is marked @NonNull but is null".
3. Use @NonNull on Instance Fields
We can also annotate instance fields with @NonNull. As a result, other Lombok annotations take this information into account. For example, @Setter generated methods include a null check. Additionally, @RequiredArgsConstructor treats @NonNull instance variables as it would treat to final variables.
Let's see an example using @NonNull and @Setter:
public class Company {
private String location;
Here, we're annotating the location field with @NonNull. Also, Company is annotated with @Getter and @Setter.
When Lombok generates the setter method for location, it must also use the information coming from @NonNull and put a null check:
public class Company {
private String location;
public String getLocation() {
return this.location;
public void setLocation(String location) {
if (location == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("location is marked @NonNull but is null");
this.location = location;
Here, Lombok indeed puts a null check on the setLocation method.
4. Summary
In this tutorial, we've explored the usage of the Lombok @NonNull annotation.
Finally, check out the source code over on Github.